Find music you never knew you liked The Hype Machine says: The Hype Machine follows music blog discussion. Every day, hundreds of people around the world write about music they love. Then it all ends up here
Já existe uma série de programas, widgets e add-ons para Opera e Firefox que fazem a captura de vídeo de sites como o YouTube p.e. No entanto, esta captura resulta num ficheiro de Flash Video (.flv) que precisa de ser convertido para que possa ser devidamente editado. O site vixy.netfornece gratuitamente a conversão online para formato .avi, .mov, .mp4, .gp3 e mesmo mp3! Muchas Gracias!
That's how it starts...We go back to your house We check the charts, And start to figure it out.
And if it's crowded, all the better, because we know we're gonna be up late. But if you're worried about the weather then you picked the wrong place to stay. That's how it starts.
And so it starts, You switch the engine on. We set controls for the heart of the sun, one of the ways we show our age.
And if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up and I still don't wanna stagger home. Then it's the memory of our betters that are keeping us on our feet.
You spent the first five years trying to get with the plan, and the next five years trying to be with your friends again.
You're talking 45 turns just as fast as you can, yeah, I know it gets tired, but it's better when we pretend.
It comes apart, the way it does in bad films. Except in parts, when the moral kicks in.
Though when we're running out of the drugs and the conversation's winding away. I wouldn't trade one stupid decision for another five years of life
You drop the first ten years just as fast as you can, and the next ten people who are trying to be polite. When you're blowing eighty-five days in the middle of France, Yeah, I know it gets tired only where are your friends tonight?
And to tell the truth. Oh, this could be the last time. So here we go, like a sail's force into the night
And if I made a fool, if I made a fool, if I made a fool on the road, there's always this. And if I'm sewn into submission, I can still come home to this.
And with a face like a dad and a laughable stand, you can sleep on the plane or review what you said. When you're drunk and the kids leave impossible tasks you think over and over, "hey, I'm finally dead."
Oh, if the trip and the plan come apart in your hand, you look contorted on yourself your ridiculous prop. You forgot what you meant when you read what you said, and you always knew you were tired, but then, where are your friends tonight?
Where are your friends tonight? If I could see all my friends tonight...
Ora aqui está uma das maravilhas da WEB 2.0, no site Stripe Generator 2.0 é possível gerar aqueles padrões de riscas tão úteis para elementos de design e backgrounds. Sim, aqueles que nos partem a cabeça e consomem o nosso tempo no Photoshop ou Illustrator...Apenas com meia dúzia de cliques podemos costumizar um padrão que posteriormente descarregamos sob formato .png, pronto a usar como padrão de Photoshop p.e. (Abrir ficheiro » Crtl+A ou marquee tool para seleccionar » Edit » Define pattern). Podemos ainda partilhar o nosso padrão, bem como inspirar-nos noutros já feitos. Excelente!
As a designer its always handy to have a collection of pre-made vector objects available to use in your designs, whether its illustrator files or photoshop shapes - here we have dugg out the very best for you!
Na recente conferência sobre design que decorreu no Forúm Romeu Correia em Almada foi possível conhecer o trabalho do Nuno Coelho. Ele falou principalmente de design vernicular e mostrou alguns flyers que realizou para divulgar os seus dj sets. Um bom exemplo de out of the box thinking e de como se pode envolver os receptores da mensagem no processo de comunicação, através da interacção e da identificação com objectos do imaginário comum. Muito bom!
A pedido de muitas famílias aqui segue um conjunto de links que disponibilizam gratuitamente brushes de photoshop, algumas com resoluções de 2500 px o que possibilita a sua re-vectorização através de trace sem muitos problemas:
Nota: para instalar as brushes basta moverem os ficheiros para a pasta Presets/Brushes do Photoshop. No caso de já terem o programa aberto, as brushes só estaram disponíveis após reiniciarem o programa.